Analytics is a cross-functional, collaborative endeavor. Yet modern analytics workflows still revolve around tools ill-suited for collaboration: context-less dashboards, overwhelming notebooks, disconnected docs/spreadsheets. I'll discuss why failings in these tools can be held responsible for the most salient problems in analytics organizations today, then proceed to share how analytics needs to change to address these problems. Finally, we'll talk about what you can do about it (and how Hyperquery can help).
Robert Yi is a Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Hyperquery, building a doc workspace for collaborative analytics. Previously, he spent time at Airbnb and Wayfair, working across a wide range of projects in data science, product analytics, and open-source. Before that, he earned his Ph.D. in geophysics from MIT and his bachelor's in physics from Harvard. During covid times, he grew a Confucius-esque beard of, some might say, epic proportions, so when he's not building product at Hyperquery, he spends his spare time lamenting the recent demise of said beard. Find him on Twitter: @imrobertyi.
Robert Yi is a Co-founder and Chief Product Officer at Hyperquery, a new kind of data notebook for teams. Previously, he spent time at Airbnb and Wayfair, working across a wide range of projects in data science, product analytics, and open-source. Before that, he earned his Ph.D. in geophysics from MIT and his bachelor's in physics from Harvard. Find him on Twitter: @imrobertyi.