Mitul Tiwari

Director of AI and Machine Learning Engineering | ServiceNow

Mitul Tiwari is the Director of AI and Machine Learning Engineering at ServiceNow. Earlier he was CTO and Co-founder of Passage AI (acquired by Servicenow). His expertise lies in building data-driven products using AI, Machine Learning and big data technologies. Previously he led People You May Know and Growth Relevance at LinkedIn, working on technical innovations in large-scale social recommender systems. Prior to that, he worked at Kosmix (now Walmart Labs) on web-scale document and query categorization, and its applications. He earned his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Austin and his undergraduate degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He has also co-authored more than twenty publications in top conferences such as KDD, WWW, RecSys, VLDB, SIGIR, CIKM, and SPAA.

Mitul Tiwari